£1m apprenticeship scheme to change the face of PR
The first Government-funded industry-wide PR apprenticeship scheme has been unveiled, with bold plans to help hundreds of non-graduates into the industry.
Around £1.2m has been set aside from the Government’s £18.7m Higher Apprenticeship Fund for the scheme.
It will be run by the PRCA in partnership with Pearson in Practice, a division of the global publishing firm Pearson, following a successful application to the National Apprenticeship Service.
Skills minister John Hayes heralded the partnership as ‘great news for the public relations industry, and for ambitious young people who want to forge a career in this vital sector’.
The partnership is now working on plans to provide on-the-job training, qualifications and work experience to 600 young non-graduates from diverse backgrounds, over a three-year period.
Source: PR Week. Follow the link to read the full article
Category: Industry News