Successful launch of 2014 Diversity League Table report

| 31/10/2014 | 0 Comments

This week saw the release of the 2014 BSN Diversity League Table report. The launch event was attended by over 140 people and hosted by Norton Rose Fulbright at their London offices; with a Diversity Panel Discussion chaired by BBC News presenter, Clive Myrie.


A summary of the findings were presented by head researcher Professor Peter Urwin, followed by a very lively diversity panel discussion and audience Q&A hosted by BBC national news presenter and journalist Clive Myrie. Alongside Professor Urwin on the panel were Annabel Smith of Morgan Stanley, Derek Tuitt of Hewlett Packard and the BSN’s Executive Director Cordella Bart-Stewart.

In his presentation Professor Urwin pointed out that attrition rates by gender and ethnicity were worryingly high. He told the audience that the key “exit point” for BME lawyers was at the stage between trainee and associate; whereas for women it was at the point between associate and partner.

The panel discussion ran with the retention and progression theme. Clive Myrie kicked things off brilliantly with a series of probing questions which enlivened both the panellists and the listening audience.

The audience came for a lively discussion and that’s exactly what they got. Myrie doggedly pressed for meaningful answers to difficult questions. Importantly the panel guests did not shirk their responsibility to the audience; resulting in a pulsating discussion, which then fed into an equally lively audience Q&A session to finish the evening.

The last question of the night came from Kim Hollis QC of 25 Bedford Row who simply asked of each panel member “Has the time come for quotas? And if not, why not?

Annabel Smith said, “I am pro-quota…” adding, “…but with the right level of accountability.”

Professor Urwin responded by saying that “Quotas across the board in private sector would be problematic to impose.”

And Cordella Bart-Stewart said that “It needs to be from the top down.” Adding, “It can’t be quotas just for the judiciary; it has to be for the whole profession.”


The print version of the Diversity League Table has a cover price of £45.00, but access to the online version is free. Please follow the link below to read the full report:

Click here to read the full report – BSN Diversity League Table 2014


The Diversity League Table report is project-managed and published by Satsuma on behalf of the BSN.

The launch event was organised and produced by Satsuma.

Category: Industry News, Satsuma News

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